“…I don’t think you can be in the theatre unless you are committed…”
The very presence of Tobie Cronje makes people light up. He rolls his eyes, they smile. He fakes tripping, they laugh. He glares back at them, they die laughing. He is a natural comic, the people’s jester, an icon of comic relief. He is loved for simply being Tobie Cronje – his name alone suggests quality fun entertainment. If you have seen a pantomime you will know; of the multitude of actors romping about the stage, your eyes follow him. He is the star, the one pulling the laughs. His timing is impeccable, his movements often small and subtle, but precise.
Is this because he is an accomplished pianist, that makes his timing, so right? Is it because his is shy and is doing what many shy people would love to be able to do – express themselves on stage? Or, as he says, because he is over six-foot-long with a long-jaw, that makes people laugh at him. It is not – it is because he is infinitely astute, in tune with his audiences, a master of his craft, and fully aware that his ability is a God given gift few have, and for this, he is obliged to share it and use it well.
Tobie is humble, a little surprised at the attention given, but utterly pleased that he has this ability to stir up laughter and send an audience home laughing.