“…On teaching children to act…you find the talent and then you carve it, sculpt it and make it happen…”
What it is to have an impact. To know you have changed lives and fulfilled your own life’s purpose. What greater reward can there be than to see your young students, your prodigies, rise to be great theatre stars. To have that deep sense of your mission accomplished. And yet, to be Cheryl Abromowitz, it is never accomplished. To have that much energy, that much love and wonder at your life’s work, only drives you to do more. To look over your shoulder and see the blooming of youth, see small people grow and turn into accomplished actors and performers in the world you love most, theatre, can only be a deep feeling of indescribable satisfaction. There are no words to describe such joy. There can only be a radiance. Which Cheryl has.
She had a poor start, an immigrant family escaping the war. But her mother loved theatre and imbued her daughter with an irrepressible thirst, not merely to act but, like a rod collecting candyfloss, to gather children around her and teach them the magic her mother passed on to her. She has never let up. Dozens and dozens of people owe their careers to her. Successful careers. She has sown seeds on rich soil and great hearts have sprung up. We congratulate her. And wish sponsors could realise the long-term benefits of her burning dreams.