“…If ever I’m battling to make a decision, I jump, I take the leap and hope. The bigger the leap, leads to the happiest life!…”

Bobby, remarkably, has five children. A great motivator he says, to remain financially buoyant. Perhaps so, and yet Bobby can’t help being out there, at the forefront of what is happening, whether it be stage, screen or television.

In Zimbabwe his family was not rich, he worked to pay his way through varsity, and arrived in Cape Town at UCT’s time of inspirational teachers, and from there luck, timing and a good marriage took over, driving him forward. He met Mannie Manim, he met Paul Slabolepszy, he met Bill Flynn, he met Franz Marx…

All these and more might be happenstance along the way of an exceptional career, but we cannot discount his drive, curiosity, putting himself in the way of trends and thereby learning more than an ordinary person would given the same opportunity.

For the student of theatre and of life itself, there is much to learn about taking chances, putting yourself out there and never for a moment believing you know it all.  Bobby has taken many students along with him, but more  interesting is the story he tells of a life time of achievement, of people he has met, whom he loves and whom he thanks for his own achievments.
